The Golfing Polack

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Basic Golf Putting Tips

Putting is a very important part of the golf game. This can be where a game can be decided. Poor putting can add many strokes to your score. Mastering putting requires lot of patience and practice. Putting can be nerve racking even for good players especially when the game depends on it.

Below are some tips that I have put together as a guide when putting during a game.

1. The first thing to do is to stand behind the ball and visualise how you would want to execute the shot. Of course, you would have read the lie already.

2. Take practise shots to establish the rhythm in putting the ball. This is to give you a good feel of the actual stroke to be made. Feel is important in putting.

3. Pick a spot along the putt path that you visualised. Used this as an intermediate marker for your putt. This spot will help you align your shot in the right direction. Aiming to a spot nearer is always easier than the hole which is further away. This is helpful if you have a long putt.

4. Align yourself using the marking spot as a guide. Take a comfortable stance. Remember your shoulder should be aligned parallel to the direction of putt. For me, i tend to drop my arms straight down from my shoulder. Make sure you are comfortable.

5. All putts are straight. It is the terrain that will "turn" the ball along the path. Now, that you are aligned to an intermediate spot along the path, you are now ready to putt.

6. Once ready, focus on the ball. This will help in lining your putter up behind the ball. Focus on the shot and not anything else. Do not worry about the marker or the hole. Let the terrain do the rest of the job. Your job is to launch the putt along the direction determined.

The key factor in putting is the feel. And as with all golf shots, practice will help build the feel in you. Just stay relaxed and focus on executing the stroke. You should be fine. Take a deep breath and not let any distractions affect you.

Happy Putting…

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