Free Golf Lessons - What a Cheek!
Free golf game lessons. Get outta here!
How many of us would have got got the cheek to near a human race leading golf game game manager and inquire him for a free golf lesson?
Not many, I suspect.
Well it turns out that the thought is not so far fetched after all - that is if you don't anticipate a abdomen to abdomen audience with a guru of the game such as as Steve Bann, Coach to Gilbert Stuart Appleby and KJ Choi.
But, that makes not intend you have to take down your expectations. If the aim is to really better your game, as opposing to having a check confabulate with the adult male and allowing him to witnesser you belt out an awkward pail of balls, then the reply may lie with this one.
Bann takes the golf player through a pretty insightful small 10 inquiry online quiz, you hit the submit button (probably not expecting very much!) and lo and behold your golf game game acquires sliced and diced before your very eyes. Out protrudes a individualized analysis that directs a tremble down the spine.
Was he really sitting behind my silver screen in cyberspace, ready to swoop with all this wisdom on how I can acquire my game on track?
Surely it wasn't that obvious that I am a 27 odds-maker hack, afraid to have up to a pot abdomen and an old set of Pings - the ugly 1s - retrieve the babe baby boomer lodges with the immense heads. Did he detect that I was decked out in my crocodile PJs when I took the lesson? Oh Dear, I should have got been more than careful. This practical world material is getting scary!
Anyhow, Steve Bann may be a golf game game guru but he have no right to acquire that insightful with something as personal to me as my golf game.
Labels: free golf lessons, golf lessons, pure golf training, steve bann
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By Pure Golf Training, at September 12, 2007 at 6:45 PM
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